The CFO Systems Blog.

Fruitful Fruitful

Finding Stability: Raising Capital As a Small Business

It costs money to make money and starting a business or maintaining one can cost a pretty penny and that is why having the funds to not only cover these expenses but give your business the ability to thrive off of them is important.

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Fruitful Fruitful

Doing Better Business: The Age of Management Strategic Advisory

In an era of common business disruption and an unsteady financial landscape, the value of information for organizations both large and small that can be received by professional consultations who can help make key decisions for operations and profitability birthed the increase in need for the highest managerial art form, management strategic advisory.

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Fruitful Fruitful

The Mastery Of Outsourcing

Since the 1970s when manufacturing businesses seeking efficiency began hiring outside firms to handle less-than-essential processes, outsourcing has proven to be an integral part of business economics.

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Fruitful Fruitful

A CFO’s Impact On a Small Business

Initially, hiring a CFO as a small business seems unfeasible. Usually associated with larger organizations and a higher salary, some business owners think that: 1) They cannot afford to hire CFO. 2) They do not believe that they are a large enough business to even need a CFO.

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Fruitful Fruitful

The Power of Inclusion

Strong leadership has always been a huge driving force for an optimized workplace. With the impact of COVID-19, organizations have taken the time to change many aspects of their organizations, including fostering a more inclusive work culture by resetting workplace dynamics and having leaders practice and implement inclusive practices.

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Fruitful Fruitful

Take a Drink AND Listen

Professional services is about learning what’s important to those at the table; it isn’t about talking up features and functionality.

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Fruitful Fruitful

What Keeps You Up At Night?

There are few things that keep us up at night, but two of them stand out above the rest: the right person in the wrong seat, and a lack of leadership.

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